About Us

Dawn Bagwell-Cox
My name is Dawn and along with Hayden, we are the Co Directors of Learn with CATO.
I have been an Accredited Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor in Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) and have been working as a CAT therapist with adults and young people in the NHS and privately since 2008.
Having worked as a registered Mental Health Nurse, with over 30 years’ experience, I have had the fortune of treating people from all ages and backgrounds who have mental health difficulties.
As part of my many roles in the NHS and privately as a CAT Supervisor, I have enjoyed working with clinicians and other professionals to understand their professional learning and development needs and have supported them to achieve their goals.
Accredited Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist
Accredited CAT Supervisor
Registered Mental Health Nurse
Registered General Nurse
Qualified Nurse Mentor: ENB 997/998

Hayden Stothard
My name is Hayden and I am the Co Director of Learn with CATO.
Working with clients who have Complex Emotional Needs can be some of the most challenging, yet rewarding work out there. My training as a Cognitive Analytic Therapist and dual-registered Mental Health & Learning Disability Nurse has definitely helped me to do this in a way that is effective for my clients, but also sustainable for me over the past 16 years as a practicing clinician.
As I moved into more senior posts in the NHS, my extensive experience of working with both adults and children with mental health illness and learning disabilities and/or autism, has meant that I have been able to help other practitioners develop their knowledge and skills to improve patient outcomes and reduce burnout. This is by far, the most rewarding aspect of my work here at Learn with Cognitive Analytic Therapy Oxfordshire.
Accredited Cognitive Analytic Therapist
Registered Mental Health Nurse
Registered Learning Disability Nurse
Qualified Mentor: Facilitating Workplace Learning
PG cert in Applied Healthcare Leadership